

Check Back Soon for 2023 Events!

🦴September 4th: Bone Up Brewery Barks + Brews // Boston, MA 

🦴September 7th: Bark in the Park // Charlotte, NC 

🦴September 16th: Blue Ridge Hospice Event // VA 

🦴September 17th: Pints for Pups // TN

🦴September 17th: Doberman Rescue Unlimited Picnic // NH 

🦴September 23th: Elsewhere Brewing Pop Up Event // Atlanta, GA 

🦴September 24th: Cutest Dog Show // Johnson City, TN 

🦴September 25th: Puppy Mill Awareness Festival  // Austin, TX 

🦴September 27th: Animal Innovations Show  


Feeding Guide

Our serving suggestion is per meal based on two meals a day. 

We recommend serving approximately 1/4 cup of broth per 25 pounds of body weight per meal. Adjust per your pet's needs.