Kids Commitee Waiver

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Release, Waiver of Liability and Agreement to Indemnify Brutus Broth, Inc.

I/We sign this General Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement ("Agreement")

individually and on behalf of our child, in consideration for Brutus Broth, Inc. allowing our child to participate on the Brutus Broth Kids Committee, and/or all activities related to membership on the Kids Committee, and assume all risks arising out of such activities.

I/We, individually and on behalf of our child, agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Brutus Broth, Inc., its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives and volunteers from all liabilities and claims for any injuries, losses, death, damages or costs (including reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees) which arise out of or are incident to our child's participation in any

Brutus Broth Kids Committee activity.

Use of Committee Member's Likeness and Voice

I/We grant to Brutus Broth, Inc. and its affiliates and assigns, the unrestricted right and permission to record, use and publish our child’s picture, likeness, image and voice through any medium, for educational, promotional or other lawful purposes with or without our child’s first name. I/We waive any right I/we or our child may have to be notified of (or to review or approve) any recordings, pictures or materials, or to receive any royalties or other compensation for the use of such recordings, pictures or materials, containing our child’s picture, likeness, image or voice.

Effect of this Agreement

I/We agree that this Agreement is binding on the undersigned, individually and on behalf of our child, and our child’s estate, heirs, legal representatives and successors. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of Brutus Broth, Inc. and its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives and volunteers.

I/We acknowledge that I/we have read this Agreement and fully understand its contents. I/We

represent that I/we are authorized to execute this Agreement individually and on behalf of our child.

I/We are aware that this Agreement is a contract to, among other things, release from liability and to indemnify Brutus Broth, Inc., and that this contract is between Brutus Broth, Inc., our child and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

I/We acknowledge that Brutus Broth, Inc. reserves the right to deny participation in any Brutus Broth Kids Committee activity.