A First-Time Pet Owner’s Guide to Getting a New Furry Friend

A First-Time Pet Owner’s Guide to Getting a New Furry Friend

There are many questions to consider before diving into pet ownership. Do you have enough space to keep a dog happy? How can you tell if a cat likes you? Are you ready to retrieve your stolen goods from wherever your ferrets hide them? Courtesy of Brutus Bone Broth, these tips will help you thoroughly consider if you’re ready for a pet, which one, and how to welcome your new pal into your family.

What Pet Is Right For You?

It’s vital to ensure you’re getting the best pet for your lifestyle. Wanting a dog is not the same as being ready for a dog. Following several cats on Instagram doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy having one in your home. Do research to figure out what kind of animal your lifestyle suits.

If you’re active, outdoorsy, and have lots of room on your property, you might be well matched by a working dog breed. Introverts who want to share space with an animal but not necessarily cuddle all the time may be a good fit for a shy cat. More exotic and out-of-the-box pets, such as birds or rabbits, call for specific lifestyles and care. Do a deep-dive of research into any animal before you adopt one for yourself.

Getting to Know You

Once you’ve picked your pet, it’s time to bring them home. Although you may want your new furry pal to run into your arms immediately, it’s probably not going to happen. All relationships need time to grow and thrive, and The Nest explains pets are no different. Fortunately, there are things you can do to let your new family member know they’re safe and sound with you.

Spending time around your pet is vital. However, it’s important to make sure you’re paying close attention to their body cues so that you’re respecting their comfort levels. If they start to look scared (pulled back ears, trying to look bigger or smaller, growling) create some distance. Not only will this let your pet know you understand their boundaries, but it will also save you from a frightened bite or scratch.

By creating a safe space for your pet to get to know you, you’ll be able to build a strong, loving relationship. Still, it’s important to manage your expectations. The Cottage Market points out that some animals, especially those from shelters or rescues, may take more time to adjust than others. Others are simply shy, and won’t become particularly affectionate, even with all the care and time in the world. Try to notice these pets’ subtle cues – sitting near you, for example, or coming into your room at night – and recognize them as the signs of love that they are.

Expenses to Expect

Owning a pet comes with several expenses you should prepare for in advance. For starters, there are the monthly costs associated with food, litter, treats and any other items your pet will regularly need. In addition, you should expect to spend money on checkups (these visits cost $45 to $55 on average), as well as have an emergency fund set aside for unexpected vet visits.

There are other expenses that come with pet ownership as well. If you go out of town, you’ll need to hire a pet sitter to watch your pal while you’re gone. Depending on the animal and the breed, you may need to get professional grooming on a semi-regular basis.

Finally, pets sometimes cause messes in your home. Carpet cleaning, fur removal, and other cleaning services can sometimes call for a professional.

Of course, knowing which products to purchase can be pretty overwhelming, given the sheer number of options on the market. Check into websites like Pet News Daily, which provides information, tips, and product reviews for a wide range of products.

Getting a new pet is a wonderful experience, and first-time pet owners are in for an amazing ride. Animals are great companions, bringing you lots of laughter and enriching your life. Enjoy the journey of bringing a new pal into your home – it’s full of joy and plenty of surprises!

Author: Lauren McGee - getyourselfpaid.com 

Photo Credit: Unsplash

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